Software Deployment

It is a feature of 2000&03 can be implemented through group policies either on computers or users.
It is a process of spreading out the software required onto the client machines when a user starts the computer.
With the help of software deployment we can install, uninstall, upgrade, repair and add patches &service packets.
Software deployment is possible only when the software is with .msi extension. (msi – Microsoft Installer)
MSI provides the services like
Installation Uninstallation Roll back
Repair over the network.

Software deployment is possible only with .msi or .zap extension.
Using WININSTALLLE 2003 software we can convert *.exe files to *.msi files

Setup.exe file cannot be deployed over the network but can be converted to setup.msi files with the help of the software ‘wininstall le2003’. This is the product of Veritas Company.

Installing wininstall le2003 software
Open D or E drive
Application folder
Double click on wininstallle.exe
Next – I accept – next Provide email details – next Next next – install – finish.

Phase – I
Converting .exe to .msi (before snap shot) On DC
Open my computer
Select any drive
Create 2 folders with the names .exe and .msi
And share them with full access
Open D or E drive Open application folder Copy acrobat &retina
Paste it in the .exe folder we have created

Start > p> wininstall le2003
Right click on that
Run discover ok – next
Specify the name of the application (ex. Acrobat) Click on the dotted tab
Browse .exe folder from my n/w places
Open the folder and name the application (ex. Acrobat.msi) Open – next - select C drive
Add the drives, which we have
Next – finish

Phase – II Installation On DC
Open my computer
Open exe folder we have created
Install acrobat software
In this phase II process comes up to .mxi

Phase – III
Performing After snap shot

In wininstall le
Right click on wininstall le packages
Run discover – ok Perform after snap shot Next

P-I                                           P- II                                         P- III

Scans the system                install acrobat                       changes    made     after installation

Registry Software Available

. mxi                                                                                        .msi

Conversion Process
Phase –I (before snap shot)
In this wininstall le scans the complete system and the register and checks for installed applications. And takes the snap shot of the current condition of the OS.

Phase- II (Installation)

In this phase we have to install the software, which we want to convert to .msi

Phase – III (After snap shot)
In this  phase  wininstall  le  compares  two  previous  states,  before  snap  shot
&installation and takes another snap shot with installation.

Note: Using these three phases the Microsoft software installer can trouble- shoot or deploy the software.

Software Deployment
Open ADUC Create 2 OUs
Create a user in each OU Select 1st  OU properties Group policy new
Name the GPO (ex. Deploy) Edit user configuration Software settings
Right click s/w installation
New package
Browse the msi s/w from my n/w places
Select .msi Select publish Ok Verification:
On member server
Login as user we’ve created in OU Open control panel
We should notice the s/w we’ve deployed
Add/remove program

Types of deployment

1) Publish
2) Assigned
3) Advanced
1) Publish
If we use publish software will be available in control panel and can be installed when the user wants. (on demand)

2. Assigned
If we select assigned, s/w gets installed on the client machine when a user opens the application for the first time.

3. Advanced:
It is useful when we want to upgrades s/w, install service packs or patches etc…

Folder Redirection

It is useful when we have implemented mandatory profile for users as a result they cannot save anything on the desktop, unknowingly if they save, that saved desktop  contents  should  be  saved  in  another  location  we  call  it  as  folder redirection. (Users do not lose their data)

Implementing folder redirection: On DC
Create a roaming profile for a user
And convert it into mandatory
Note: create a new OU at first and create a user in that and make that user profile as mandatory.

Right click on OU we’ve created
Group policy
New > GPO name> edit User configuration Windows settings
Folder redirection
On desktop right click
Select the settings as basic
Browse share folder from n/w places
Create a folder
Share it
Every one full access

On member server
Login as user we’ve created in OU Save something on the desktop
Ex: save some folders > properties
We  should  notice  the  location  should  be  UNC  path  (Universal  Naming
Convention) Logoff &login

Scripts are useful to automate administrative tasks, which are routine. We can have startup and shutdown scripts, administrative scripts, login & logoff scripts

Implementing scripts using group policy

Create a folder (in D or E drive)

Share it with full control
Start-run (notepad)
Type wscript.echo “use the force read the source”
Save the file as (filename.vbs) in the share folder we have created
Create an OU and a user
OU properties
Group policy
GPO name (ex. Script) Edit
User configuration Windows settings Scripts
Double click on logon
Browse the script weve save in the share folder from n/w places

Move on to member server
Log in as a user
We should notice a welcome message

It is a process of protecting user data or system state data on to separate storage devices.
NT supported only one type of storage media, i.e. tapes.
2000&03 supports tapes, floppies, HDDS (Hard Disk Drives), zip floppies, RSD (Remote Storage Devices)

Back up utilities:
The default backup utility provided by NT, 2000, 2003.
NTbackup utility Comes along with the OS. Provides minimum benefits could have optimum benefits.

There are some third part utilities

Veritas - BackupExec
Veritas - Foundation suite (for UNIX flavors) Veritas - volume manager
Tivoli storage manager (IBM) Netback up

Starting back up utility: On DC
Or member server

Run – ntbackup (or) start > programs> accessories>system tools>backup

Backing up a folder:
Create a folder in D drive and a file in that
Start - run – ntbackup click on advanced mode
Back up
Select 2nd option (backup selected files.)
Expand my computer from D drive select the folder youve created
Select the destination to save the back up Next – select the type of back up (ex. Normal) Check the box disables volume shadow copy Next – finish

Delete the backed up folder

Restoring the backed up folder: Start – run – (ntbackup) Advanced – restore – next
Select the backed-up file – next – finish

Back up types

Ø   Normal
Ø   Copy
Ø   Incremental
Ø   Differential
Ø   Daily

1.  Normal Backup: It is a full backup backs up all selected files & folders after back up removes the Archie bit (A)

Achieve Bit: It is a bit used by backup utility to know whether a file is backed up. It is used as a backup marker.

2.  Copy backup: Copy backs up all selected folders but does not remove archive bit  after  backing up. Copy is used between normal backup and incremental backup.

3.  Incremental  backup:  backs  up  all  selected  files  &  folders  which  are changed  since   backup  marks  the  files  as  having  been  backed  up. Removes the archive bit after back up.

4.  Differential backup: backs up all selected files & folders. After backup does not remove the archive bit. It backs up all the files changed since normal back up.

5.  Daily backup: it backs up all selected files & folders created or changed during the day after backed up does not remove the archive bit.

Recommended backup strategy:
1.  If we select incremental back up it is faster and restoration is slower. I.e. more number of tapes have to be restored
2.  If we go with differential backup, backup is slow, but  restoration is fast i.e., just by restoring 2 tapes.

System state data: Components of SSD:
Ø   AD
Ø   Boot files
Ø   System files
Ø   Services
Ø   Registry
Ø   Com+inf
Ø   Cluster info
Ø   I.I.S.

SSD is a data store if we want to backup complete AD we can back up system state data from backup utility.

Taking a back up of system state data:
Start - run – ntbackup click on advanced mode backup – next
Select 3rd  one system state data next save in E drive  - create a folder (SSD)
in this folder create a file with filename .bkf – next – advanced - next

There are two types of restoration Non-authoritative restore Authoritative restore

Restoration  of  system  state  data  can  be  done  either  authoritative  or  non authoritative
Non-authoritative restore is a normal restore useful when we have only one DC in  the  network.  It  does  not  increment  the  USN  values  of  the  objects  after restoration. It uses older USN values only.

1. Authoritative restore: This is useful when we want to restore a specific object or specific object by incrementing the USN value.
Useful when we have multiple DCs in the N/W. i.e. one Dc and multiple ADCs

USN Numbers: (Update Sequence Number)
It is a number assigned to the object and gets modify according to the changes made on the object.

Checking USN values:
Open                                                                                                                           ADUC
click on view
Advance features
Go to user properties

When we want to perform authoritative restore, we have to restart the system in directory  services restore mode (DSRM) by pressing  F8. While booting  and selecting DSRM.
Going to backup utility we can restore system state data on completion of the restoration  system prompt us to restart the system. “DO NOT RESTART THE SYSTEM”
If we are not restarting it becomes authoritative restoring, if we are restarting it becomes non-authoritative restore.

Tombstone: It is an object deleted from AD but not removed. It remains in the AD
for 90 days.

Practice: On DC
Create OU & users
Back                                                             up                                                             SSD
check the USN values of user
Delete the user1
Restart the system in DSRM mode
By pressing F8
Open backup utility
Restore SSD Do not restart Start> run >ntdsutil
Authoritative restore
Restore subtree cn=u1,ou=India,dc=zoom,dc=com
Yes (or)
Restore database
Q Q Exit
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